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Importance of Personality and Soft Skills

Personality plays a very important role in success of individual life. Hence it is important to understand the meaning of Personality. According to me, Personality means physical Appearance, dressing, communication, relationship with individual, character, commitment, intelligence etc. In today’s world, most of people make judgement based on the personality of people. Personality requires everywhere whether it is film industry, corporate world or social life. Today lot of organisations are focusing on building personality amongst employee. Recently AirAsia has hired Amit Chandoliya a model as a CEO for India business because of his personality and this has been concurred by Air Asia Global CEO. Hence it is important for everyone has to focus on improving their personality apart from their technical and other skills. Today lots of private institutes are offering course on personality development. I have considered myself as an average kind of personality. I am working towards improving my personality by keeping focus on improving my physical appearance & communication skills.

I have considered myself as a hardworking, helpful & dedicated person. I am never satisfied with myself and always try to look for something new. I am risk taking person. I don’t believe in criticising others. I am straight forward person. I believe in respect for individual.

People feel that I am straight forward person and don’t involve in politics. People consider me as helpful person and like to share & discuss their problem with me. People perceive that I am hardworking, reliable, committed & approachable. Whenever there is problem & it is getting difficult, my boss counts on me. I still recall one of the challenging assignments in my earlier Company, when my boss colleague & his two junior had left the Company at same time in mid of Statutory Audit. They left the firm in critical stage of Audit & only they had possessed the critical knowledge of Financial of organisation. After lot of deliberation this assignment has been handed over to my boss and he had chosen me for this assignment to me. This shows the confidence of my boss on me. I have completed the assignment successfully.

My long term goal is to start my own business by keeping focus on my current professional work. I am trying to explore various business opportunities and discussing with various businessman & friends. I know that I have to put more serious effort to achieve this. I would also like to improve my communication skill which will help me in improving overall my personality. I have focussed myself on improving the communication skills and joined communication class.

I believe in relationship and give importance to relationship. It is easy to breakup relationship but building up relationship take long time. The base of relationship is trust & comfort with others. I have very good relationship with people at work, at home & at society.

I don’t have any bad habits of tobacco, alcohols. I like playing cricket and eating good food. I always get up early and sleep early. I have a habit of eating early dinner.

I am open minded person. I open for criticism and new ideas. I don’t frame judgment based on what others say.

I am not very good listener. I know this is one of my weak areas which I have to improve. I have identified this as a one of the priority for myself. I am working on this to become an effective listener. I am becoming more focus now as listener.

I don’t take rash decisions. I always think and evaluate pros & cons before making such decision.

Sometimes I discuss the issue with my family & others and take their input before making such decision. I am fast decision maker. I believe that most of the decisions taken by me are correct.

I am not a ‘yes’ kind of personality. If I don’t agree with anyone, I don’t say yes.

Thanks for reading.


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